As well as the long term smolt trapping operation on the River Bran, we are operating two Rotary Screw Traps this year. One of these will be used to monitor the effects of flow regimes on the Orrin to optimise smolt exit at Orrin Dam, the other has been installed on the River Blackwater. The Blackwater trap will be operated as part of a project with Glasgow University. By tagging smolts with electronic PIT tags, new information on the genetic influences on marine survival will be investigated, this work will also give a marine survival rate for the Blackwater to compare with our long term research on the River Bran.
Trap ready for installation
The Rotary Screw Traps are portable by trailer and then assembled in situ. Two pontoons support a large Archemedes screw which filters smolts from the water flowing through it and then holds them in a trap box.